ocean side

i started writing poetry when i was

twelve years


my sister only ate apples then,

big, round fuji apples

with colorful & shiny skin

the sounds of the knife

on the cutting board

as she cut through

their heavy flesh

the same

crisp & cold sounds

of her slowly


the same

sharp & absolute sounds

of losing her

while she stood right there

in front of me

me, a shy kid

& her

my only true friend

refuge shifting

like a tide

which comes in only

to drag everything

back out to the sea

and she was going:

softly being eaten alive

by a fear of food

or a sense of control

or a desire to

recede back inside of herself

she was lost to

a thousand things

that my small mind

could never understand

and our childhood home stood

on the shore

of her illness

with all of the light sucked out of it

like in the moments before a storm

when everything is dark & still

my mom constantly screaming at her

to get on the scale,

to gain five pounds,

to eat something

all her ways of saying

to get somewhere safe

to stop playing around

to get inside now

to stop this

but i couldn't move

so instead i took refuge

on the page,

crafted a rescue boat

line break by

line break

learned to swim in


long before psych wards

& in-patient treatment centers

long before self-help books

& therapy

i started writing

to find a place where things

still made sense,

just doing my best to weather

the storm.