Asking the Important Questions


Do you ever find yourself

just waiting

for things to end?

This river trail is beautiful

but I want it to be over.


Is this

how distance


There are bluebells

growing alongside the highways

in Texas

but nobody ever talks about them.

They remind me

of your eyes.

I pick one and press it in-between

the pages of a book.

I wait patiently

for it to die.

It softens over

the hundreds of miles

between us

and so do I.


Is this how closeness

draws out the silence

that lays dormant

inside of you?

Back home,

you’re crying in my bed

at five in the morning.

The light is creeping in

through the blinds.

I watch as tears collect

in the creases

near the corners

of your eyes.

Small and painful


to the heaviness

of time.